Team Scores

Team Scores

Western Roman Empire: 13 *** Eastern Roman Empire: 13 *** Western Natives: 3 *** Eastern Natives: 3 *** Sarmatians: 4 *** Goths: 4

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Campaign

The Decline of the Tetrarchy is set just after the retirement of the two original tetrarchs. It will be a new style of campaign game, both cooperative and competitive as befits the nature of the Roman Empire during this complex period.

The empire is represented by two "teams", East and West. The empire's foes are represented by four teams: western natives, eastern natives, Sarmatians, and Goths. Players joining the campaign will sign into one of these six teams.

To represent the constant warfare of the period, players from the Empire Foe teams will arrange games with players from the Empire teams, play them, and report the results without stopping for diplomacy, moves, or tiresome delays like sieges. Instead of fighting over specific territories, as in a traditional DBA campaign, each team accumulates points that represent the success of their faction against their enemies.

At the end of the campaign, the team with the highest total will be declared winners. If both Roman teams have higher scores than their enemies, the empire has withstood the barbarian onslaught. If one diocese of the empire has a lower score than its foes, it has fallen victim to partial or total invasion and the other diocese's augustus is declared sole emperor. If both dioceses have lower scores than all of their foes, Rome has succumbed, and the long dark age of Europe begins.

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